25 September 2012

Starry eyed

So I have no idea who or what One Direction is.  Somehow I stumbled upon this video (from Urbandiction-the premier source for all that's hip...I guess), but I was hearing about this Larry Stylinson (which are the combined names of two members of One Direction, suppose to be Harry Styles and Larry Tomlison (I think that's the names).  Now I could care less about the group because I am not into boy bands and stuff but what caught my attention was the way they look at each other in this video.  That's the look I want to have once again in my relationship.  I think it's there but its just so damn adorkable seeing these two.

Of course they say there is nothing between them, but that's cool I guess, but my immediate thought was...yup...their family.

Anyway, someone made this video and I think its cute